
Conveyor Pulley arrives in Africa

After two months of long sea transportation, the Conveyor Pulley has finally arrived in Africa and is about to begin its important construction mission.

During this shipping process, we strictly followed the international shipping packaging standards to ensure the safe transportation of the pipeline block. Before shipment, we thoroughly inspect and pack the Conveyor Pulley to prevent damage during transit. At the same time, we work closely with shipping companies to develop detailed transportation plans and emergency plans to ensure a timely response in case of emergencies. After two months of sailing, the Conveyor Pulley arrived safely in Africa, and the entire transportation process was without any incident.

Next, we will go all out to promote the installation and commissioning of the Conveyor Pulley according to the established construction plan and scheme. We will carry out construction in strict accordance with the safety operation procedures to ensure the quality and safety of construction. At the same time, we will also pay close attention to the construction progress, adjust and optimize the construction plan in time to ensure the smooth completion of the construction task.

The shipping of the Conveyor Pulley and the upcoming construction work are the result of the joint efforts of our team. We will continue to maintain a high sense of responsibility and professionalism to contribute to the successful implementation of the project.